By far, my top searched and viewed posts are my top worship songs. The Top 10 Bethel, Top 10 Elevation, and Top 10 Elevation part two seems to be the most popular. I love that because they are some of my favorite posts as well! Elevation Worship has some powerful songs and I love sharing when God uses those songs in my life.
Today isn’t my Top 10 but just sharing 5 Elevation Worship songs that I have been loving and really think you need to hear today. Even if you’ve heard them before, take a listen today…who knows…maybe God will show you something new through the song. He does that to me all the time. It’s been a while since I shared about some of the worship songs I’ve been listening to on repeat…and honestly most of them are Elevation Worship songs so I thought I’d just make a dedicated post. Enough rambling, let’s get to the music.
5 Elevation Worship songs you need to hear today
5 Elevation Worship songs you need to hear today #worship #elevationworship Share on XHere in the Presence
Sometimes a song can just bring you to your knees in surrender. I was cleaning the other day, listening to worship music while I did so and God just interrupted my dishes cleaning. Honestly, I felt the intense feeling that I needed to just get on my knees and worship/pray. This song was the song that was on while I was worshipping. I’ve heard this song many times. Sang it, blogged about it. But that day, in my grandpa’s kitchen, it was exactly what I needed to hear.
I typically like to share a small quote from the songs when I do these kinds of posts…but for this song, I’d probably have to share the whole song lyrics. The whole song is about letting the presence of God fall on you. How powerful it is to sit here in His presence. It speaks of releasing burdens, having fears stilled, and clinging to the cross. Because of His presence and the Holy Spirit, we are never alone and He is still with us. If I’m honest, my life has been full of fear and heavy burdens the last year and a half…this song feels like it was written just for me…for this moment.
With You (Paradoxology)
This is one of Elevation worships newer songs and if you haven’t heard it, go do so now! First off, this song has a great ethereal feel to it. If you enjoy just good music and love more acoustic songs, this is a great song for you to listen to.
Such a beautiful and soft song. It is a great song to put on if you’re facing some anxiety or a panic attack. One thing I love about Elevation Worship is the fact that no matter the style of the song…the song is still full of strong and powerful lyrics. “With You”, talks about just wanting to be consumed with Jesus and wanting to just sit and be with Him.
Just like the first song I mentioned, it’s about remembering the power His presence has and wanting to just sit in it, in awe of who He is. I think it must be something that God is trying to teach me because I have been reminded of it a lot lately.
A little more upbeat “Grateful” is a great song to listen to while getting ready or cleaning just to get your heart in the right place. I mention this song because so often we focus on the negative. My flesh wants to focus on the fact that God allowed my dad, uncle, and grandma to die within a year and a half. But I still have so much to be thankful and grateful for in my life.
This is such a helpful song to remind me of all God has done. Just like the lyrics say, we can’t forget all the battles He has won for us. He still deserves our thanks no matter what happens in our life because He still paid the ultimate price for us. I know I personally have been struggling with holding onto the bad and the negative but this song helps remind me that God is still on my side and He is working everything for my good…even when I don’t understand.
See a Victory
“See a Victory” was just released like a week or so ago but it is so powerful that I had to make sure you had heard it! Talk about an anthem. The last month or so, I’ve been struggling with the idea that maybe God isn’t bringing my victory…but I think I’m missing something. God’s victories may not look like how we think they should. Stay tuned for a whole post on that!
But this song is a powerful anthem that is declaring that we WILL see a victory because the battle belongs to God. God takes what the enemy throws at and turns it for good. He knows far better than we do and His will truly is better, even when we can’t see what He’s doing. We have to trust that the victory will be worth it because God is always with us. Weapons won’t prosper, darkness doesn’t prevail, and God doesn’t fail. His light is more powerful than the darkness of this world. The weapons that Satan throws at us are nothing compared to the power and strength of God. Because we know how the story ends, we can face the giants, the darkness, the trials head-on because God is fighting for us.
God of the Promise
How many times have we said or heard that God keeps His promises? That He will prevail? The better question is do we really believe that. I love this song for so many reasons. However, once again, it just speaks about Gods power and His triumph over sin, our trials, and hell.
We serve a God whose name can tear down walls, break off our chains, and forgive us from all our sins. He is the light and nothing will stop Him. All of His words will be accomplished and we can hold onto that.
I hope God uses these songs in your life like He has mine. I always believe that even a song you’ve heard a thousand times can speak to you in a new way. That’s why I share posts like these. I pray that God uses these posts for His good and I hope you enjoy them. Go spend some time in worship, I will too.
If you haven’t check out my Top 10 series here are the links:
Top 10 Elevation Worship songs
Top 10 Elevation Worship songs part II
Top 10 Hillsong songs (updated)
Thank you for this! Do you mind if I use one of your lyric pictures for an IG post?
Go for it! If you don’t mind just mention me, my handle is @writingsandworship
So glad you liked it!