This little guy is one! If you’ve been around the blog for a while, you’ll know that this family is very special to me. I’m also excited to be able to link their new blog, Locklear Farm, so you can see what they are up to! Cole’s smash cake session was a hit.
He loved the cake so that always makes for a great smash cake session. You can see his toothy smile when he’s looking at his momma or siblings that were at the session. He loves his family!
I took Cole’s newborn pictures, you can see those here. His maternity pictures are also on the blog, here. And his siblings have been featured on this blog many times in the past. Their momma is one of my best friends and the kiddos are basically my godchildren…so I’m always so honored to get to take their pictures.
Cole is a smiley, happy little guy that always brings a smile to anyone who is near him. I think that infectious smile came through in some of these smash cake photos!

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