We can all agree 2020 was a nightmare at times. Quarantine, deaths, division, racism, all these things plagued us this year. It’s been a hard year for everyone in different ways. One thing that has kept me sane is worship music. There is always something so comforting about sitting in the presence of Jesus. The presence and the Word of God are the only things that settled my anxious spirit and I know it’s the same for many of you.
Today, as 2020 is coming to a close soon, I wanted to share a few of my top songs from the year. These aren’t necessarily songs that came out this year…just songs that helped me get through 2020. Hopefully, they will bring you some comfort this next year as well. There are so many unknowns still, but I know this, Jesus is constant. His presence is always waiting for us. So here are my top 10 songs from 2020.
Top 10 songs from 2020

You’re not finished yet
I think there have been so many times this year where we felt like hope could be lost. Like we were not serving a purpose. But God isn’t finished yet. We might not see a reason behind it or feel it, but God is still walking with us. He hasn’t given up on us. This song is a beautiful song by The Belonging Co but I actually really love a version by Saddleback Worship, I linked that above. We have to keep believing that He isn’t finished. He hasn’t given up on us and we can’t give up on Him. I know, especially for those who have lost ones to Covid, that it seems daunting and pointless…but there is a point to our pain. God will use it for His good. Just hold on and keep seeking God, we will see His promises prevail.
“I won’t forget the things You’ve done
For I know that this is just the beginning
And You’re not finished yet, You’re not finished yet
Until I see Your promise come
God with all I am, I’ll keep believing
That You’re not finished yet, You’re not finished yet.”
Battle Belongs
This song. I can’t even explain what this song has meant to me these past few weeks/months. I would say I found this by accident but I know God lead me to it. It was a song I needed to hear. It is still a song I need to hear. If I have learned one thing this year it is that the battle isn’t mine. All I can do is drop to my knees, lift my hands, and give the battle to God. There is so much more I could say about this song, but just go listen to it. I hope it is as powerful for you as it is for me.
“So when I fight, I’ll fight on my knees
With my hands lifted high
Oh God, the battle belongs to You
And every fear I lay at Your feet
I’ll sing through the night
Oh God, the battle belongs to You.”
I first heard this song over a year ago on the radio and bought it. I only this year have really sat and listened to the words. The song could have been written about 2020. It talks about facing chaos and madness. But even in that chaos, Jesus offers peace. And this song has a rap part of it, so if you enjoy rap, this song is also great for you.
‘Cause even in the madness
There is peace
Drowning out the voices all around me
Through all of this chaos
You are writing a symphony
A symphony
Run to the Father
I’ve always been a big fan of Kari Jobe but 2020 brought a lot of me listening to her husband, Cody Carnes. He has several songs I enjoy including one called Nothing Else. Run to the Father is a beautiful song about running to Jesus because he has everything we need. We need to run to him over and over again.
“I run to the Father
I fall into grace
I’m done with the hiding
No reason to wait
My heart needs a surgeon
My soul needs a friend
So I’ll run to the Father
Again and again”
Surrounded (Fight my Battles)
Such a simple but powerful song. I’m sure many of you have heard it by now and if you haven’t, I encourage you to take a listen. The main line in the song, “It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You” is such a beautiful sentiment. Often 2020 has felt too daunting for us to handle, the death and division have surrounded us. But even in the midst of this chaos that is 2020, God is surrounding us and that’s how we fight our battles.
“It may look like I’m surrounded
But I’m surrounded by You”
Faithful Now
One great thing that 2020 brought me was the awareness of Vertical Worship Band. One of my favorite songs from them is Faithful Now. Even in the midst of 2020, God has shown His faithfulness to me. One way was by sending me the perfect job- a job I’ve waited for. This song is a great reminder that God is faithful. And the line about speaking to your fears that God is faithful, well, you know how I struggle with anxiety…so that is a powerful line for me.
“‘Cause You make mountains move
You make giants fall
And You use songs of praise
To shake prison walls
And I will speak to my fear, I will preach to my doubt
That You were faithful then, You’ll be faithful now.”
First Love
Kari Jobe released another album this year. One of the first songs she released was First Love. I always kind of chuckle when I think of the part that says “I feel my heart beating out of my chest” because as someone with an anxiety disorder that feeling is normally a bad thing. But this song is about remembering that Jesus is our first love. We should want to stay in that moment of falling in love with Jesus every second of the day.
“I feel my heart beating out of my chest
I wanna stay forever like this
May the flame of my heart always be lit
I wanna burn forever like this.”
The song available was released earlier in 2020. I love the whole album that Elevation released with this track on it- this song in particular stayed with me. I love this song- it’s truly a prayer our hearts should be saying to Jesus. Here I am. I want God to have it all. He deserves it all. Elevation always has some great songs and this one is no different.
“Here I am, here I am
You can have it all
You can have it all.”
Another in the Fire
Who doesn’t love Taya Smith, right? Hillsong (in all forms) has always been an old favorite of mine. I honestly haven’t kept up with their latest music but I actually heard this song on Tik Tok funnily enough. I immediately think of the story of shadrach meshach and abednego when I hear this song. God is walking in our fire with us. He is always there. Just like He was with shadrach meshach and abednego in their literal fire. Great people in the Bible that inspire this awesome song.
“I can see the light in the darkness
As the darkness bows to him
I can hear the roar in the heavens
As the space between wears thin
I can feel the ground shake beneath us
As the prison walls cave in
Nothing stands between us.”
Another song from Vertical Worship because this they’re just that good! Weapon is a song I remember being impactful to me but I also remember sending it to a dead friend who was dealing with a rocky pregnancy after miscarriages. It is just a great reminder that God is the only way we can truly fight out battles. He is our weapon. And like the song says, worship should be our weapon for the battles we are facing.
“So when I’m broken, at my weakest, in my darkest hour
I’ll let my worship be a weapon on this battleground
From the depths of the lowest place
I will give You the highest praise, the highest praise.”
I hope some of these songs minister to you in some way like they have me. 2020 has been rough and we aren’t done facing battles with Covid, racism, and so much more. Keep these songs close to your heart…and Jesus even closer friends.
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