*I received this product complimentary for testing purposes. All thoughts and feelings are my own.* Fall Lips. It's about time to switch over your bright pinks and corals for deep wines and berries. I have a love for all seasons but I am really ... Read the Post...
7 verses for the anxious
The Word of God is our comfort, our guide, and sharper than a two-edged sword. We must hid the Word in our hearts and cling to its promises. There is nothing more satisfying in this world than the Word of God. Scripture often takes a back seat in our ... Read the Post...
Mascheri iPhone Case Review + Giveaway
*I received this product complimentary for testing purposes; all thoughts and opinions are my own* Hello friends and readers of W&W! I am here sharing a fun new phone case company I am working with today! Mascheri is a great company bringing you ... Read the Post...
August Favorites 2017
Welcome back to another day here at W&W! I say this every month but I cannot believe that it is already about to be another month. This year is both flying and dragging by in its own ways. I am extremely excited about today's monthly favorites ... Read the Post...