I've been there. Actually, I'm still there. You've walked across the stage, been handed the piece of paper that you're probably in debt because of and you are on top of the world. You've done it. You've made it. You're assuming the next step in ... Read the Post...
4 tips to improve your makeup look
All our makeup skills are not at the same level. I know how intimidating it can be to want to do makeup but not sure how to make your makeup look more professional. When I first started doing makeup, I did pretty much the same look every day, every ... Read the Post...
My Instagram || Authenticity Over Theme
The age-old debate for bloggers, vloggers, and all social media influencers: Instagram. As you know, Instagram continues to change their algorithms and even makes it difficult for less popular people to get noticed. However, Instagram still seems to ... Read the Post...
Grief update + a thank you
I could simply sum up this grief update by saying, "grief still sucks." I don't really think that language is very professional, but with grief... I'm not sure what other words can try and sum it up any better. Grief sucks. October 8th will mean ... Read the Post...