Friends, it is now June, so that means in a few short weeks I will be turning the big 3-0! I honestly can’t comprehend that. And while I’ve never really struggled with ages, this one has hit me pretty hard. I’ll be honest friends, I’ve been struggling with turning 30.
A few years back, I wrote a post titled 30 before 30 where I shared 30 things I wanted to do before I turned 30. I wasn’t completely unrealistic but some of them were fairly farfetched. I also didn’t know in 2015 when I wrote that post that my life would turn upside down a few years later and be filled with grief and change.
In a few short weeks, I will be officially 30 years old. And I won’t lie, it has been a hard thing to come to terms with and I’m honestly not sure why. Yes, I figured I’d have a husband and a family by now…but things happen…and that is clearly not what God has planned for my life. But after sulking for a few weeks about turning the big 3-0, I decided to turn my thoughts to the positive and embrace it. Instead of looking at that post and focusing on what I didn’t accomplish by my thirtieth birthday…I decided to focus on what I’m proud of accomplishing in my thirty years.
30 things I’m proud I’ve accomplished

#1 I graduated college with honors with a journalism degree
#2 I’ve successfully run & grown Writings & Worship to what it is today.
#3 I landed what basically has been a dream job after years of searching
#4 I have survived loss after loss & continued to try to live life while dealing with grief
#5 I have a stunning Kate Spade bag collection that includes some great pieces- none of which I have purchased at full price 🙂
#6 I rededicated my life to Jesus & see His hands working in my life in every moment
#7 Started a side photography business
#8 Captured moments like births, first birthdays, and newborn sessions even though it made me nervous
#9 Tried things outside of my comfort zone like doing Facebook Live makeup tutorials and TikTok videos
#10 I’ve helped take care of my mother and grandpa
#11 I’ve technically written 2 books…while I was very young and they are slightly embarrassing and need a LOT of work…it is still an exciting thing to be able to say
#12 I am a published writer with articles and stories in Linked Magazine and my college newspaper
#13 Quit caffeine when I realized how horrible it was making me feel
#14 I’ve seen some of my favorite Broadway shows live such as DEH and Newsies
#15 Didn’t give up on blogging or photography even when I doubted myself
#16 Started therapy for my anxiety and grief
#17 Found the strength to open up and blog about personal issues like grief and anxiety even though I was embarrassed to do so
#18 Became a “godmother” to some of the best little ones in the world
#19 Got to attend Leaky Con
#20 Lead worship for camps and retreats
#21 Watched my momma get her dream dog, a Yorkie named Remi
#22 Watched all the Marvel movies in order during the lockdown at the beginning of Covid
#23 Conquered Trachea surgery like a champ!
#24 Saw the Jonas Brothers again when they reunited
#25 Didn’t let my anxiety define me
#26 Lived in a house with a gorgeous pool in the backyard
#27 Became a master of Diamond Art paintings
#28 I was a PR intern for the Shawnee Convention and Visitors Bureau where I worked media for the rodeo and even did radio interviews
#29 Got up every day even when life felt really heavy
30 things I'm proud I've accomplished Share on XI know that most of these were silly but I wanted to have fun with them. I wanted it to be something that made me smile and look back at fond memories of the last 30 years. Soon I’ll be saying goodbye to 29.
Have you turned a certain age that was hard for you to get through? Let me know in the comments below!
This is an awesome list! I will turn 30 next year but I’m actually looking forward to it! A new decade ✨️
You are positively inspirational! I love your writing style, your sass and your commitment to the Lord. I look forward to reading future posts. Also, I have to say that my 30th year was the most amazing year of my life–had my 2nd baby, was growing more secure in my job and confident as a woman.