Honestly, I’m not sure how I have made it so long making these “top 10” lists and not sharing my top favorite Jesus Culture songs. However, there is no time like the present. I think if you listen to worship music or go to a reasonably contemporary church, you’ve probably heard and sung many of Jesus Culture’s hits throughout the years. I’m sharing my top 10 Jesus Culture Songs with you guys today.
I’ve actually seen JC live, many years ago. I tried to find a picture but to no avail. However, JC songs have been very present in my life for many years. I sang “Holy Spirit” at my friend’s wedding. That same friend and I have led many, many JC songs during our worship-leading days at camps and retreats. “You Won’t Relent” was one of our specialties. I actually might have a few hidden videos of us singing them somewhere, maybe I’ll post them at the end (maybe).
Top 10 Jesus Culture Songs

#1 Spirit Break Out
For such a simple song, it makes a punch. There is just something powerful about asking the Holy Spirit to come down and move us. I love to use this song when I’m starting off times of prayer or worship because it is a great way to invite Jesus to move and get your attention set on Him. I love the line, “heaven come down,” because oh how we should love for the glory of Heaven. There have been many times I have gotten a glimpse of what heaven might be like being in a room with everyone worshiping Jesus. Those are the times we ask God to bring heaven down and teach us, move us, and leave us changed.
Spirit break out
Break our walls down
Spirit break out
Heaven come down, oh
Listen HERE!
#2 Holy Spirit
When I was leading worship, this was one of my favorite songs to lead. Just like with “Spirit Break Out,” this is such a tremendous song to use to just invite God into our time of worship and do His will. Another simple song that is easy to sing & catch onto. I’ve seen this song be used in corporate worship, personal worship times, weddings, etc. It is a beautifully versatile song that I will forever be a fan of. Even listening to it in preparation for this post, I am struck by the phrase, “let us become more aware of your presence.” That is my personal prayer right now. Sometimes we forget that Jesus is walking with us every moment of the day. We feel like we are alone but His presence never leaves us!
Holy Spirit You are welcome here
Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere
Your Glory God is what our hearts long for
To be overcome by Your Presence Lord
Listen HERE!
#3 One Thing Remains
This is another pretty popular JC song that I have led for many years. Honestly, there isn’t much to say about this one except it is just such a great song overall. I think it isn’t as played nowadays because it was probably overplayed when it first came out. Every church it seemed was singing it in their corporate worship services. This song declares a simple but powerful truth: even if it all falls…His love will remain.
In death, in life
I’m confident and covered by
The power of Your great love
My debt is paid
There’s nothing that can separate
My heart from Your great love
Listen HERE!
Top 10 Jesus Culture Songs #Jesusculture #worship Share on X#4 You Won’t Relent
Ahh, this song will forever hold a special place in my heart. Partly because it is just such a good song but also because my friend and I led it so often that it became a big part of our worship ministry. We would lead for camps and retreats and always had to whip out this song. Sidenote, it is also a really fun song to sing. Very long. But that is nothing new for Jesus Culture songs. But besides the nostalgia this song holds…it is truly a beautiful song about how Jesus will never give up on us. He won’t relent until our whole heart is His. No matter how many times we try to walk away…He still calls us.
Come be the fire inside of me
Come be the flame upon my heart
Come be the fire inside of me
Until You and I are one (sing it again)
Listen HERE!
#5 Not Afraid
I only recently found this song, a little less than a year ago, when we were preparing for my mother to have surgery. I was looking for songs to try to calm my anxiety and stumbled upon this one. Such a beautiful anthem when you are facing hard times or anxiety. God will make a way! This song is about how any fires, floods, waters, or giants we face…they will not overcome us when we are holding onto Jesus. I find such comfort in this line, “before me, behind me, always beside me…”. He knows the future and the past and still walks with us through the present.
When I go through the waters,
I won’t be overcome
When I go through the rivers,
I will not be drowned
My God will make a way
so I am not afraid
Listen HERE!
#6 Your Love Never Fails
Another “oldie but goodie” from JC. I also led this one many times and always loved it because it is such a fun, celebratory song to awaken our hearts! No matter the pain we feel, there is joy in the morning when we seek Jesus. His love doesn’t fail us and this song is a great anthem to that testament.
You stay the same through the ages
Your love never changes
There maybe pain in the night
But joy comes in the morning
And when the oceans rage
I don’t have to be afraid
Because I know that You love me
Your love never fails
Listen HERE!
#7 King of Glory
I don’t think this song is one of their more popular ones, but it was on an album I purchased many years ago and I have always enjoyed it. The main sentiment of the song is just this: Jesus is glorious and deserves our praise.
Your face out shines the brightest sun
Jesus You’re glorious
You are so glorious
With eyes that blaze like burning fire
Jesus You’re glorious, You are so glorious
Listen HERE!
#8 Miracles
I remember “Miracles” taking over the worship scene a few years ago and for good reason. It has such a powerful meaning when you really listen to the words. Which you guys know I do. So often we forget that God is a God of miracles. He is the same God that parted the Red Sea and healed the Blind man. This sentiment is what lead me to do a whole series on Miracles that I encourage you to take a look at.
I believe in You, I believe in You
You’re the God of miracles
Listen HERE!
#9 Set a Fire
“Set a Fire” was a song I remember from many years ago and didn’t even realize that it was done by Jesus Culture until recently. It is an extremely simple song with only basically one refrain. This is often tagged onto the end of another song. But while it might only be a few lines….it is a powerful few lines!
Set a fire down in my soul
That I can’t contain and I can’t control
Cause I want more of you God
I want more of you God
Listen HERE!
#10 Fierce
I had forgotten about this song until I was looking at various songs for this post. As soon as I heard it, I remembered how much I loved this one. You guys know I’m a writer and I find such beautiful I’m word imagery and I just find this song so eloquent and powerful. The image of Jesus’ love washing over us like a tidal wave is beautiful and I love when songs use imagery like that. The whole song is well-written and paints a beautiful picture.
You cannot fail
The only thing I’ve found
Is through it all
You never let me down
You don’t hold back
Relentless in pursuit
At every turn
I come face to face with You
Listen HERE!
These are just my top 10 favorite Jesus Culture songs. What are yours?
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear.
Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just
wanted to say great blog!