First off, I just have to give the biggest shout-out to Ivy Lane Studios in Norman, Oklahoma for having the most amazing space. I was able to rent the whole space that was full of stunning white walls, natural light, and props galore. This was my first session at Ivy Lane but definitely not my last. If you are looking for a space for an indoor session or party, check out Ivy Lane Studios! Now, onto the Marota Family session.
As I mentioned in a previous photography post, I am catching up on the influx of sessions I had around Christmas. This session was shortly before Christmas therefore has some Christmas-inspired images. It was just too great of a session not to share, even months later!
The Marota Family are not new faces around W&W. They have been featured many times before as I have had the pleasure of taking pictures for them for years. I am so thankful for all these families that stick with me through the years. It has been a joy to watch these little ones grow.
The Marota Family | Oklahoma Family Photography

I hope you enjoyed these sweet pictures from the Marota family, even though they’re a little late going up on the blog. Don’t forget to check out Ivy Lane Studios if you are in the market for a gorgeous indoor studio area in Oklahoma.
These are great! LOVE the props & the lighting. You are such a talented photographer.