Raise your hand if you have a hard time staying in the Word of God and committed to a Bible Study *raises my own hand.* Me to ladies, me too. But Daily Grace Co. makes staying committed to your quiet time extremely easy and enjoyable.
A few weeks ago The Daily Grace Co. was having their $5 & $10 sale so I went a little crazy and ordered a ton of items. And don’t get sad that you missed this sale, they run sales all the time. I highly suggest getting on their mailing list so you don’t miss any- visit their website here. *speaking of! I just saw that as of 9/27 they’re running 50% off sitewide! So go look asap*
And friends, while this is a haul & I am absolutely recommending these items, this isn’t any kind of ad or paid review. I purchased all this stuff on my own and I genuinely like and use their items. In fact, my whole family does.
Also, aesthetically, their products are stunning. I’m obsessed and could plaster pictures of their books and journals on my social media all day, every day.
The Daily Grace Co. Haul
Amen | From Eden to Eternity // Bible Study
Amen From Eden to Eternity is a five-week study that goes over the big picture of the story of the Bible. According to the website, “It walks through the movement of the story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.”

Be Still // Bracelet
These gold thin bangles are one of my favorite previous purchases from Daily Grace. I bought one a while back during their imperfect sale and I knew I wanted to pick up another one. “Be Still” is always an important phrase for me because of my anxiety disorder. I love how dainty and light these are! They’re also perfect for stacking!

Grace in the Wilderness (1 Peter) // Bible Study
Grace in the Wilderness is a five-week study that goes through 1 Peter. While it obviously contains daily Bible study material it also includes timelines and charts to help you go even deeper into the Word.

Blush Bible Tabs
While I feel pretty confident in finding the books of the Bible after many years of practice, there is nothing wrong with needing a little help (or just wanting these tabs because they’re so pretty). Now did I apply them neatly, in a similar pattern to their picture? No.
Do I regret that fact? Yes. But hey, they’re on and they’re cute! They were incredibly easy to apply and seem really sturdy. The gold really pops and makes the title incredibly easy to read.

Verse & Prayer Cards
My sis, mom, and I purchased a few of these card sets. They’re scripture, prayer, or encouragement cards that are both helpful and cute. We purchased the anxious heart set, prayers for the weary set, and the verses for seasons of waiting set but any of their card sets are completely worth the purchase!

Preaching the Gospel to Yourself // Bible Study
For some reason, this title just really drew me in once I read it. I think for those of us who have been Christians from a young age tend to forget the true impact of the Gospel and how it should still impact our daily lives. This is a four-week study focusing on how the Gospel truly changes everything. This study also includes a memory verse for each week.

Even If (Habakkuk) // Bible Study
Even If is the study of Habakkuk and is an in-depth three-week study. My whole little family is going to do this study together. The whole sentiment of this study seems to be what happens when life doesn’t go as you planned it. Which is the definition of our lives for the past 3 years. I’m excited to walk through this one together!

Between Grief & Glory (Lamentations) // Bible Study
This is a seven-week study that goes through the book of Lamentations. The whole study focuses on the brokenness of this world and how we grieve sin and how Jesus is the only way it will all be made right in the end. While this study is a little longer, I’m really looking forward to digging into it.

Seek (Psalms 61-90) // Bible Study
Seek is a six-week study on Psalms 61-90. Each week contains 5 days of Bible Study material. I personally have realized how desperate I am to get myself back on track and seeking Jesus, so I thought it was only fitting to grab this study.

Dwell (Walking by Faith) // Scripture Memory Journal
I am awful at memorizing scripture, just being real with you my friends. I know I am capable of it but it is something I struggle with. When I saw this memory verse journal, I knew I wanted to get it and see if it helped me. There are a few versions of Dwell- this one focuses on Hebrews 11, Ephesians 5, and James 1.

In the Word // Journal for Deeper Bible Study
I actually was given this as a Christmas present but I still wanted to include it because it is something I really love that they sell. It is a guide to studying deeper in your Bible Studies. I’ve included some pictures of what the questions are so you can see how it encourages you to dig deeper into what you are reading.

Honestly, if you’ve never purchased anything from the Daily Grace Co., I recommend it! They have really great items and studies for women, men, and even kids. If you’re like me and like pretty things, they also have some of the prettiest packaging, branding, and graphics. Let me know in the comments if you purchase anything from them and how you like it!

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