Welcome back to Writings & Worship! It has been a long few weeks, months of trying to cultivate new content as well as a major redesign and look for the blog. W&W started as a class requirement and has grown into a visual representation of all my favorite things & some candid responses to my life’s ups and downs.
W&W was a stream of income and source of pride while I was job hunting after college. It allowed me to feel fulfilled even when I wasn’t participating in a full-time job. It was my outlet to be creative, to write, and a light for Jesus. W&W is truly a piece of my heart.
However, after losing my dad a lot of things lost their joy. If you’ve been around for a few years, you’ll probably have noticed the decline my blog took after losing my dad then shortly after, losing many other family members. I’ve tried to be open about my grief but I also don’t want to bore you with that part of my life. So, W&W took a back seat. The posts had become fewer, and I was less dedicated to my blog and the content I put out.
Thankfully, I have been re-empowered and inspired to bring W&W back better than ever. I will always be a blogger, a writer, and a creator. No matter if it takes a back seat for a while, it will always be a huge part of who I am. Writings & Worship is back, and hopefully, better than ever. Maybe you can’t tell a big difference to the design and look of my blog, but it has been a long process. And I have spent a lot of time getting it to something I am proud of and happy with.
So what can you expect from Writings & Worship moving forward? Better quality content, more consistent posts, and a spark of joy that had been missing from my blogging. Thank you for staying with me & always supporting my blog and photography. W&W would be nothing without you.
We have a whole new portfolio & pricing page for my photography- I’d love for you to take a look! Click the buttons below to see those.
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