When I’m walking around outside on a warm, Oklahoma spring night and the wind blows my hair across my face, there is only one thing that comes to mind- Gods presence. There is something about feeling the cool breeze brush across my face that instantly makes me think of God and His presence.
I know it sounds a little cliche, like the line straight out of A Walk to Remeber. Do you remember that line I’m talking about? “Love is like the wind, you can’t see it but you can feel it.” Remember that line? It was probably the most quotable line from my teenage years. But I still think there is some truth in it, cheesiness aside.
There is something calming about the wind. When it’s a soft, breeze (not an Oklahoma tornado-like wind) I find strength and comfort in it. Whether you totally understand what I mean, I find something calming and peaceful in the wind. Fresh air is good for the soul and the mind. But the reason I share all this is because the wind constantly reminds me of Gods presence.
If you struggle with anxiety, you know what it feels like to not be able to catch a good breath. You know what it’s like to feel trapped. So many times I have stepped outside, anxious beyond my understanding, and will be able to take a deep breath as the wind whistles around me. When I’m struggling and that wind fills my lungs and touches my skin…I feel like God is showing me His presence. He’s showing me His closeness.
The reason I wanted to share this is that I find it so comforting like Jesus is wrapping me in a hug when the wind sweeps across me. Too poetic for you? Maybe I’m just a sucker for a good analogy. But when life is flying past me and I’m struggling to keep up…and I walk outside…I can feel God all around me.
Have you ever just sat back and thought about how God created every single thing around you? I think when I’m outside and feel that wind, I’m reminded of how intricately God made everything. He was strong enough to create mountains by speaking and yet gentle enough to create wind and to hold my tears. Jesus’ presence is like the wind (insert cheesy movie line). You can’t see His presence but you can feel it. When that wind flutters across my heart, I am reminded of how often God’s presence just engulfs me in peace and hope.
There is also the understanding that even the wind obeys Jesus’ commands. In scripture, when Jesus is sleeping below deck the disciples come and wake Him because the storm is too great outside and they were scared. All Jesus had to do was speak peace to the seas and the winds and they stilled. I guess that’s why I find such comfort when I’m sitting outside and the wind is swirling around me.
Even when the winds feel out of control, He can still them. Even when my life feels out of control, He can bring peace. Even when I feel distant from Him, His presence is as close as the breeze outside. Jesus is never far away and His presence is everywhere. Isn’t that comforting?
[epq-quote align=”align-center”]Even when the winds feel out of control, He can still them. Even when my life feels out of control, He can bring peace. Even when I feel distant from Him, His presence is as close as the breeze outside.[/epq-quote]
I encourage you to look for God in the little things. Like in the wind when your anxiety feels high and you can breathe in fresh air. It reminds me how close God is and how He can bring peace and hope at any moment.
It brings me joy to find a kindred sister who feels the same way about the wind. For me it always felt like God’s spirit enveloping me wholly – mind, body, and spirit. Hard to explain.
God bless!
I found this article by googling, “I feel God’s presence in the wind.” This article was much better articulated that I could have done. But I felt your words. Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you so much for your kind words! It’s one of my favorite posts, actually.
As my daughter is in surgery, I am outside waiting, due to Covid. There is this wind, blowing all around me. As tears roll down my face, I felt Jesus hugging me in the wind. It’s like He is IN the wind. There is something calming about it, I find strength and comfort in it. It’s like you can’t see God’s presence but you can feel it!
may this article be used in my book
Hi! I’d be happy to chat further about that if you’ll send me an email at [email protected]– thanks!