I wanted to talk about a worship song called “You don’t miss a thing.” I strongly encourage you to listen to it if you haven’t already.
This is a song that I had heard before and then one day, the power of it just hit me! My favorite line in the whole song is, “in a crowd of ten thousand, you don’t miss a thing.” Wow. It’s easy to feel like we are alone. And it’s easy to feel like God doesn’t have time for us. But guess what? He hears you, He sees you, and He is always there.
The song makes me think of the story in the Bible when the bleeding woman touches the hem of Jesus’ garment and He feels it. If you remember, Jesus was surrounded by a lot of people that day, yet He stopped and knew that this woman had touched him…even among probably multiple other touches. Just like that woman, God knows us. Even among all the world, God doesn’t miss anything in your life. If that doesn’t make you feel loved, I’m not sure what will.
“What a mystery, that you notice me…” The God of everything: the maker of miracles, the creator of the world…notices US! I can’t even fathom how many people there are in the world, yet God doesn’t miss anything that happens in my life, or yours.
Our society is so negative and our lives are plagued with heartache and sometimes loneliness but God is never far away. He makes our fears fall, our hearts complete, and gives meaning to our lives. His whisper calms the storm and eliminates our enemies.
This song is incredible and poetic. The lyrics paint a beautiful story. Immediate comfort comes when you let this song wash over you and remember how much God loves you. Go listen to it, think about these things I have said, and spend some time with Jesus. There is no place in the world that you can hide-God is always with you. Be comforted by that today.
I just listened to this song and hits me the same way! He’s always with us!
Yes He is!! I’m glad you listened too it!